salt water cowboy

A time for riding.

洋服、食べるもの、住む場所、車、サーフボード、物と情報にあふれ、あらゆる選択肢がフローしている」現代何をチョイスするかは、自分次第。「SALTWATER COWBOY」は、自分なりの選択眼を持った人の為の服である。

I live with clothes.


A time for riding

Clothes, food, a place to live, a car, then a surf board, are the choices we make in our lives.
Today, we are surrounded by a flood of information. What to choose is up to you.
SALTWATER COWBOY is the clothes for someone who has his own set of values.
Let’s dive and ride the flow, and find out what’s in front of you!

I live with clothes.

A COWBOY we mean by that is not a western farmer. A cowboy we mean is a cool guy who have a mind of a young boy. It also means mischievous and naughty spirit.
SALTWATER COWBOY is the collection for who love worn-out, comfy clothes, for who cherishes the one and only piece of garment which he found on a rare trip.
The collection offers the basic but somewhat vanguard clothes, which you can wear for a long time.